
Reuben Greenaway is a machine operator custodian in MIT's Department of Facilities in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Photographer in Seattle

A crow sits in a blooming cherry blossom tree in The Quad on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, on Sun., March 17, 2024.
Mount Rainier visible from the Kingston Ferry.

Amazon’s new delivery drone

Author and data scientist Cathy O’Neill for The Observer, and other recent portraiture on assignment

Gund Kwok, all-women lion dance troupe

Food in Washington’s Yakima Valley, for the LA Times

Portraits of professors and scientists

Chongqing – Where the Rivers Meet

Xenobots, for Bloomberg Businessweek

Folk dancers gather in Sofia, Bulgaria, for the International Day of Dance

Portraits of professors and scientists

Narva – Between Europe and Russia

Uber/Lyft driver labor rally for Bloomberg News

Now based in Seattle

A crow sits in a blooming cherry blossom tree in The Quad on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, on Sun., March 17, 2024.
Mount Rainier visible from the Kingston Ferry.