Two of my photos were included as part of Time magazine's Top 100 Photos of 2015. The photos, one of Hillary Clinton at a rally and the other of Ted Cruz smoking a cigar, are part of my ongoing project about the 2016 New Hampshire Presidential Primary campaigns, This is the worst party I've ever been to. I couldn't be more excited to have my photos included in this list, which also includes work from many of my photographic idols. My pictures are numbers 86 and 87, so you've got to do a bit of clicking to see mine. It's worth it, though; there's a lot of great work from around the world to take in.

Thanks again to Paul at Time for supporting my work; it means so much to have editors take an interest in and actively support a personal project. Two images of Carly Fiorina were previously printed in the magazine, as well.

All content © 2005-2025 M. Scott Brauer