Published this week in Germany, I have three spreads in issue 12 of Nomad Magazine, a beautifully-designed magazine covering art, architecture, and design. For the story, I photographed Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy of DESIGN EARTH, a speculative architectural research practice based in Cambridge, Mass. In the first image, they are seen with part of Trash Peaks (2017), an installation including a folding screen, a carpet, and ceramic figures, relating to waste management practices in Seoul, South Korea, presented at the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism. is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at MIT and Jazairy is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Michigan and currently Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism. You can read the interview online (or in print if you're in Europe and near a good newsstand!)

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